Pickens County Drug Trafficking Lawyer

Prosecutors are known for aggressively pursuing convictions in drug cases. This is especially true when it comes to allegations of trafficking in controlled substances. A conviction could result in many years in prison and hefty monetary fines. When you have been charged with trafficking drugs, it is crucial to work with an experienced drug attorney who could investigate the facts of a case and ensure that all your options are available to you.

Dedicated attorney Christopher L. Jones could help you defend yourself against these allegations. Often, the state moves forward with drug charges despite lacking the evidence needed for a conviction. Let a Pickens County drug trafficking lawyer help you develop the ideal defense strategy necessary for your case.

Understanding Trafficking Charges

The term trafficking can be confusing for some people. On the federal level, this offense involves transporting drugs across state lines. However, it has a different meaning under South Carolina law. Instead of dealing with moving or transporting drugs, this offense focuses on possessing large quantities of controlled substances. The state does not have to prove that you intended to distribute or sell these drugs. To obtain a conviction, the state only has to establish that you controlled an amount of substance that is above the legal threshold.

These threshold amounts vary from one substance to another, as the volume of a drug does not necessarily correspond with its strength or value. Some of the threshold amounts to be aware of include:

  • Heroin: 4 grams
  • Cocaine: 10 grams
  • Marijuana:10 pounds
  • GHB: 50 milliliters
  • LSD: 100 dosage units

It is possible to defend against these charges no matter the substance you are alleged to have possessed. Before you consider pleading guilty to these charges, it is wise to consider your available defense options. A drug trafficking attorney like Christopher L. Jones in Pickens County could research the facts of your case to develop the ideal defense strategy for you.

Securing a Favorable Outcome

The prospect of being prosecuted for a drug offense—particularly a serious one like trafficking—is enough to overwhelm most people. This can lead to a hopeless feeling, but the reality is that these charges are often defensible. With the support of a Pickens County attorney, it may be possible to avoid a drug trafficking conviction.

When it comes to best-case scenarios, having charges dismissed is the ideal outcome for anyone who has been arrested for this offense. Not only does this outcome bring the case to a close, but it also means you never have to face the risk of a jury trial. The state will typically only drop charges when there is strong evidence that a conviction is unlikely.

What Happens When You Go to Trial?

Being acquitted at trial is also a positive outcome. It is also a final resolution, as you can never be tried twice for the same offense. The downside of this approach is that going to trial is always a risk, even when your defense is strong. Often, the state has enough evidence to likely secure a conviction. In this scenario, the best possible outcome might be a plea agreement. By negotiating with the state, it may be possible to limit the penalties or even have the charges reduced to a lesser offense.

Contact a Pickens County Drug Trafficking Attorney for Help Immediately

When you have been arrested under suspicion of drug trafficking charges, now is the time to act. Hiring a diligent attorney immediately could provide you with a path toward prevailing at trial or seeing the case dismissed.

Christopher L. Jones, Attorney at Law, has extensive experience as a former prosecutor and municipal judge and understands the nuances surrounding these cases. To understand your options, contact a Pickens County drug trafficking lawyer immediately for a confidential consultation.

Don’t wait to seek counsel for your urgent legal matter. Call our team today at
(864) 625-2523 for a free consultation.

Why Trust Us to Pursue Your Case

We believe the best partnerships are those based on mutual trust. When you call us for your free consultation, you’ll speak directly to our lawyer. We believe it’s important from the get-go to foster direct communication with our clients to get a full understanding of their cases and what their needs are. Having all the details allows us to prepare accordingly as well as put a personal touch on all that we do.

Our Greenville lawyer is community and client-oriented. We strive to put your needs first in order to achieve results that work for you.

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Former Municipal Judge
Former Municipal Judge
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Deep Knowledge of the Legal System
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Former Solicitor in South Carolina
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Highly Respected in the Legal Community
Nearly a Decade of Legal Experience
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