Accusations of spousal abuse are a serious matter that can ruin your reputation and jeopardize your freedom. Fortunately, you do not have to face these charges alone.
A Greenville spousal abuse lawyer could help you fight to keep your life on track. Christopher L. Jones is a seasoned defense attorney with experience as a prosecutor and municipal judge. He understands what you are going through and is willing to tackle your case to get you a positive case outcome.
What Is Spousal Abuse?
According to the South Carolina Code of Laws Unannotated § 16-25-10, when you cause harm or attempt to cause harm to a spouse, you are guilty of domestic violence. Unfortunately, even when it’s only word person’s word vs another’s, with no other supporting evidence, law enforcement will often side the alleged victim out of an abundance of caution.
The state classifies spousal abuse charges depending on the severity of the offense. The more severe the charges a person faces, the harsher the penalties. For example, a third-degree spousal abuse conviction could mean spending 90 days in jail, while a first-degree conviction could result in up to a 10-year prison sentence. Attorney Christopher L. Jones can review all possible sentences with you and answer your questions about the criminal statutes relevant to your case.
Potential Defense Strategies Against Spousal Abuse Charges
A skilled attorney serving Greenville knows there could be a wide range of potential defense strategies to try and get spousal abuse charges reduced or dismissed. The best defense strategy will depend on the details of your case. Some possible defenses include:
A common defense against spousal abuse charges is self-defense. For example, a spouse or other household member attacks another, they have the right to defend themselves against the attack and suffer physical injuries.
Physical Force in Defense of Others
If someone reasonably believes a member of their household, like a child, is in danger, they have the legal right to use force to defend them. The defense of others is similar to self-defense.
False Allegations
False allegations are another potential defense against spousal abuse charges. We see false accusations routinely when there is also a family court case pending between the spouses. While it is never easy to prove false allegation, a determined defense attorney could review available evidence, listen to your story, and speak with other family members and witnesses outside of the household to build a solid picture of the circumstances leading up to the dispute and arrest.
Christopher L. Jones is an experienced litigator who knows what it takes to build a solid defense and present it before a jury in court. He is committed to being attentive and accessible throughout the duration of legal proceedings, making sure his clients have the best possible support.
Consult a Seasoned Spousal Abuse Attorney in Greenville
State prosecutors work aggressively for convictions in spousal abuse cases. Even if you believe you have been falsely accused and wrongly charged, you should not try to handle your case alone.
The consequences of a guilty criminal conviction could be jail time, fines, losing your constitutional rights, and a permanent criminal record. However, a hard-working Greenville spousal abuse lawyer could defend your rights and help build a strong defense. Call now to get started.